BioInfoSummer: Image Analysis with Fiji/ImageJ

Working with Files

Good files naming system:

  • Uniquely identifies each file.
  • Contains relevant experimental parameters.
  • Simple delimiter to separate parameters (e.g., _).
  • Don't rely on a set order of files.
  • Record dimension data and cropping etc.

Think about this early!

Example file naming scheme:


import os

file_path = "/path/to/folder/wt_nacl_5um_1.tif"
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)            # wt_nacl_5um_1.tif
file_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]        # wt_nacl_5um_1

# Dimensions data

gen, treat, conc, rep = file_name.split("_")
print gen                            # "wt"
print treat                            # "nacl"
print conc                            # "5um"
print rep                            # "1"